Friday, December 16, 2011

We got peanuts!!!

What do you do with over 20 huge bags of peanuts? I'm not talking about the ones you eat--I'm talking about the ones you use to ship packages. Well..... we have been going bonkers here at Lizbeth Lane since last Monday, shipping out over 200 packages of our fabulous simmer sauces to folks all over the country!!

Our story aired on CNN over a one week period beginning last Saturday. A great story which was beautifully produced by CNN. When it first aired, Michael sent me a text message:  Wow--28 orders so far.  We thought that was pretty good. Then.....40...60....80...120....OMG....150.......and growing!

We hauled our butts out to Handi-Crafters beginning Monday to assist in filling these orders.  They were great.  We came home at the end of each day totally exhausted but feeling really good knowing that people wanted our sauce!  They loved the mention of Handi-Crafters as well, who we use for fulfillment.

Our Facebook friends list has been growing by the day.  Gee...never thought we'd have 130 new friends in just a few days.  Emails loading up our computers! Business inquiries! Now it's Friday and has calmed own somewhat. Orders are still coming in but it's no longer a tsunami of paypal orders.  

Be sure to view our story which is now up on CNN's website. It might just help you work up an appetite for a great tasting entree made with one of our simmer sauces.  Thanks to all who have ordered. Be sure to spread the news... and the joy of it all!!

1 comment:

  1. Just saw your wonderful story on CNN and have placed an order. As the mom of a 19 year old son with autism, I was so pleased to see that you are championing adults with disabilities! May your success continue, and your New Year be prosperous. God bless!
