Friday, October 15, 2010

One year…

Michael A. here.  One year…one year tomorrow.  October 16, 2009, ironically enough Bosses’ day, Kathy’s birthday, the day she could retire with full, pension, benefits, etc…Kathy in New York with her mother in the ER…and I lost my job. I’ve mentioned it before at the start of this blog many months ago.  It was all about dysfunctional personality, abusive ego, narcissism, etc... And none of it mine.

One year...what a journey. From COO of a $40 million company to house bitch.  Kathy’s term, not mine :) And many positive things have happened.  An opportunity to do things with the kids.  Raise a puppy (well that wasn’t first on my list), relax for the first time in years, and along the way discover an opportunity to reinvent myself with something I really love.  Food.  And do it with a really great guy, my partner, Rid Francisco. 

Oh yeah, and miss the FBI when they came knocking at the door of my former boss…now there’s a FML moment! (Yes, there is a God and she has a wicked sense of humor!)

One year…and now Lizbeth Lane Gourmet Cuisine is a reality!  After a really long, painful, long, stressful, long road, the sauces are done.  We are already selling our 4 pack sampler almost as fast as we can box them up.  Tomorrow the online credit card purchasing is active.  Our media/PR person, Eileen Acello of Acello Media Solutions, is pounding the pavement, burning up the wires and getting us out there and known!  We have an interview next week for a local publication.  Buyers for gourmet shops and specialty distributors are asking for sales data and samples.  It’s only a matter of time before we’re on Rachel Ray and the View!  No pressure Eileen. :):)  

One year… and I met the first of my goals.  To sell that initial jar of sauce before October 16, 2010.  Now on to my next goal…for Rid and I to be on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine.  And of course there’s that other goal about the first million………

Stay tuned…the next year should be quite exciting…

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to me...and Lizbeth Lane Sauces! - Kathy
