Rid here: Well, now it's hustle time. Pressing that flesh. Trying our best to get into every gourmet shop around. I am a little impatient though. Of course they want to sample the sauces....that takes time. Ugh.
Then...they have to think about it. Ugh. I want to walk in, wow them with our pitch and have them yell out, " OMG, I'll order 100 cases of each sauce-- you have created the greatest thing since sliced pineapple and we want it in our stores--NOW!"
Aint gonna happen like that. I'm learning a whole new phase of this business now. It's called persistence and patience. Ugh. Ugh.
We had the good fortune of being featured in the local newspaper. A great article about two guys who, out of work, start up a unique food company. And people are noticing. We are getting calls, emails and the like. We are also sending out samples and our sales kit to food websites, reviewers, online gourmet sites and media folks. I'm now best friends with the girl at the local UPS store. I walk in and she says, "the sauce man is back" I tell her that I am now a saucier extraordinaire. (Am I losing it already?) The trick is to hustle. Never quit. Work 12-15 hours a day. Get out there. Analyze. Strategize. Scrutinize.
Im also learning how to be a sales guy. I'm not a sales type person. But again, I'm learning. And listening. Trying different tacts. Honing my skills.
Online orders are slowly coming in--and that's to be expected. It's going to snowball. Into a really really big snowball we hope.
Tomorrow, Michael A. and I are attending a class at St. Joseph's University's Food marketing school. This is going to be a thrill. And we are excited by being selected to be a part of their marketing assignment. These students will grill us and we will grill 'em right back. Ha!
Wow....things are actually starting to pop. (wow)
time to cook dinner. Am making my not yet famous shrimp scampi tonight (hint: add orange zest with the lemon zest-red pepper flakes, lots o garlic!)
Til later.....
Follow Michael and Rid as they create the greatest simmer sauce company on earth. Often colorful and always brutally honest... these guys tell it like it is. Boy, do they ever!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Moving to the head of the class!
Rid here: We are in a high state of marketing now. Calling on gourmet shops, gift basket companies, food publications, friends, relatives... everyone. The response has been good. Very good indeed!
Now we have been invited by the good folks at St. Joseph's University for our company to be featured in a food marketing class. Students will be asked to develop marketing ideas for our new and growing food business. Michael A. and I will attend and answer (oh Gawd) all those questions about our business.
Can't wait. Since my background is advertising and marketing, it should be a snap--right? We'll see....
The game has changed in the world of marketing. Aint no more just run an ad. It's Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Dugg, FoodBuzz, whatever. I don't know this stuff.....so I'll excuse myself from class and turn it over to Michael. Hahahahahaaaaaa!!!
Good luck big Mike. I'll get it all on video and post it Youtube. Seriously though, it will be an engaging two hours of learning for the students as well as for two bald guys who sell the best simmer sauces in the universe.
Now we have been invited by the good folks at St. Joseph's University for our company to be featured in a food marketing class. Students will be asked to develop marketing ideas for our new and growing food business. Michael A. and I will attend and answer (oh Gawd) all those questions about our business.
Can't wait. Since my background is advertising and marketing, it should be a snap--right? We'll see....
The game has changed in the world of marketing. Aint no more just run an ad. It's Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Dugg, FoodBuzz, whatever. I don't know this stuff.....so I'll excuse myself from class and turn it over to Michael. Hahahahahaaaaaa!!!
Good luck big Mike. I'll get it all on video and post it Youtube. Seriously though, it will be an engaging two hours of learning for the students as well as for two bald guys who sell the best simmer sauces in the universe.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cha Ching$$$
Michael A. here. It’s been a busy time the last few days at Lizbeth Lane Gourmet Cuisine. As you know the sauces are in! We’ve been selling 4 packs faster than we can box them up. Pay Pal orders are coming in. We even had an inquiry from Australia about buying our sauces! Shipping is a bit much so the person is waiting to buy them when she comes to the USA in a couple of months. Of course Rid and I are now considering the need to make a trip Down Under to set up a distribution network.
I had to make a bank run yesterday to deposit sales receipts. Yeah…REVENUE! After all these months of sending money out it’s really nice to actually bring money in! I had so many checks to endorse that I went to Staples after the bank to order a “For Deposit Only” stamp. Now that’s one expense I have no trouble paying.
Rid and I are busy sending out sample packs and sales data to Gourmet shops that are interested in our sauce! We are meeting today with the fulfillment folks and UPS to get the best shipping rates for our customers. Tomorrow we have an interview with a local publication about us and the company…photographer included! Hey Eileen, how’s our spot on Rachel Ray and the View coming along?
It’s a busy time here at Sauce Central. Check back in to keep up with what’s happening.
Oh BTW, if your interested in buying sauce and live within 25 miles of Sauce Central, call or email us directly. We’ll process your order and deliver it for free.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's been one year?
Rid again: I just read Michael A,'s post below and found it to be touching and quite sentimental. Can't believe it's been a year since he became freed from the bounds of corporate culture.
Feels like 5 years, are you kidding!?
This is a tough road, folks--but the payoff is terrific. Hard work does get you there... eventually. People probably think we sit "poolside" in the summer, sipping cocktails and playing with our dogs or something. No way! We are in the trenches. Meeting with people. arguing and fighting for our collection of simmer sauces. Yes, it's tough out there. But fun, so far.
Buy our sauces. They are online now. They are very good. No... they are better than that. They are fabulous.
Happy anniversary Michael. Free at last.....
Feels like 5 years, are you kidding!?
This is a tough road, folks--but the payoff is terrific. Hard work does get you there... eventually. People probably think we sit "poolside" in the summer, sipping cocktails and playing with our dogs or something. No way! We are in the trenches. Meeting with people. arguing and fighting for our collection of simmer sauces. Yes, it's tough out there. But fun, so far.
Buy our sauces. They are online now. They are very good. No... they are better than that. They are fabulous.
Happy anniversary Michael. Free at last.....
Friday, October 15, 2010
One year…
Michael A. here. One year…one year tomorrow. October 16, 2009, ironically enough Bosses’ day, Kathy’s birthday, the day she could retire with full, pension, benefits, etc…Kathy in New York with her mother in the ER…and I lost my job. I’ve mentioned it before at the start of this blog many months ago. It was all about dysfunctional personality, abusive ego, narcissism, etc... And none of it mine.
One year...what a journey. From COO of a $40 million company to house bitch. Kathy’s term, not mine :) And many positive things have happened. An opportunity to do things with the kids. Raise a puppy (well that wasn’t first on my list), relax for the first time in years, and along the way discover an opportunity to reinvent myself with something I really love. Food. And do it with a really great guy, my partner, Rid Francisco.
Oh yeah, and miss the FBI when they came knocking at the door of my former boss…now there’s a FML moment! (Yes, there is a God and she has a wicked sense of humor!)
One year…and now Lizbeth Lane Gourmet Cuisine is a reality! After a really long, painful, long, stressful, long road, the sauces are done. We are already selling our 4 pack sampler almost as fast as we can box them up. Tomorrow the online credit card purchasing is active. Our media/PR person, Eileen Acello of Acello Media Solutions, is pounding the pavement, burning up the wires and getting us out there and known! We have an interview next week for a local publication. Buyers for gourmet shops and specialty distributors are asking for sales data and samples. It’s only a matter of time before we’re on Rachel Ray and the View! No pressure Eileen. :):)
One year… and I met the first of my goals. To sell that initial jar of sauce before October 16, 2010. Now on to my next goal…for Rid and I to be on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine. And of course there’s that other goal about the first million………
Stay tuned…the next year should be quite exciting…
Monday, October 11, 2010
Toughest critics try the Piccata
Rid here- On Saturday, my daughter called and said, "hey dad, want to meet in New Hope, PA for lunch? I jumped at the chance. She lives in Scarsdale, NY, so its about half way for us. I was excited to see my two grandkids, too. So we met. Had lunch. I gave her a set of the sauces to try. She mentioned that Stacey, my youngest daughter, and her hubbie were coming to her place Sunday for dinner--and that they would try one of the sauces.
I told her they were great tasting but deep down inside I was sweating bullets. My kids don't screw around when it comes time to hand out real honest, stern "hanging judge" type criticisms. If we can live through this--we have it made......
Last evening the phone rang about 7:30pm. It was the kids. "Oh God--this is it..." I thought. They're gonna tell me that the sauce they tried was no big deal, in fact they didn't like it at all. Lauren will say that her husband, Alan, is having a bowl of cereal for dinner after trying it......
My wife, Connie hands me the phone..... I'm trying to analyze her expression. Uh oh, why is her eyebrow doing that, Im wondering.
"SO, what did you think?", I asked. "Well dad, we tried the Lemon piccata- had it with chicken-- prepared it just like the label said-- and the votes have been tallied," she said.
I'm now cringing. praying. I mean, these girls of mine dont pull punches. There's a painfully long pause.......then
"Your kidding, right?" I asked. No, they all thought it was great. I think they were actually surprised that their father made something that actually tasted so good--and that it came from a jar.
I asked the toughest critique question of all. I mean, I had to know... "would you serve it to guests?"
"Absolutely", Lauren replied. I wanted to drop to my knees and weep with happiness.
They made my day. My girls loved our Lemon Piccata. I will live to see another day.
I told her they were great tasting but deep down inside I was sweating bullets. My kids don't screw around when it comes time to hand out real honest, stern "hanging judge" type criticisms. If we can live through this--we have it made......
Last evening the phone rang about 7:30pm. It was the kids. "Oh God--this is it..." I thought. They're gonna tell me that the sauce they tried was no big deal, in fact they didn't like it at all. Lauren will say that her husband, Alan, is having a bowl of cereal for dinner after trying it......
My wife, Connie hands me the phone..... I'm trying to analyze her expression. Uh oh, why is her eyebrow doing that, Im wondering.
"SO, what did you think?", I asked. "Well dad, we tried the Lemon piccata- had it with chicken-- prepared it just like the label said-- and the votes have been tallied," she said.
I'm now cringing. praying. I mean, these girls of mine dont pull punches. There's a painfully long pause.......then
"Your kidding, right?" I asked. No, they all thought it was great. I think they were actually surprised that their father made something that actually tasted so good--and that it came from a jar.
I asked the toughest critique question of all. I mean, I had to know... "would you serve it to guests?"
"Absolutely", Lauren replied. I wanted to drop to my knees and weep with happiness.
They made my day. My girls loved our Lemon Piccata. I will live to see another day.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Enter: marketing/being fulfilled!
Rid here: Okay, the sauces are still at the co-packer. The sauces need to be pH tested 48 hours after production. After pH approved and FDA approval, we ship em to our fulfillment house in Thorndale, PA.
This is not just any fulfillment house though. They are called HandiCrafters. It is a non-profit organization that employs people who are physically and mentally challenged. My stepson, Rob works there and loves it. These folks do a great job and HC provides a fabulous way for these people to really take pride in the work they do. I believe these people, despite their limitations, actually do a better job than other fulfillment places. And yes, they are more affordable than for-profit fulfillment companies.
Our marketing guru, Eileen, from Acello Media, is busy getting the word out. Here there and everywhere. Our strategy is to contact every single person in the food trade and let them know that our simmer sauces are about to hit the market. We are doing PR releases, food blog entries, email blasts and more. My email box is filling up fast! Ahhhhh!!!! Slow down Eileen!! People are starting to come out of the foodie woodwork and take notice though--that's a good thing.
As for designing all our marketing materials-- thank God that I am an art director by trade. I designed the website, our labels, our brochures, our data sheets, our ads, our logo, shot and cut our videos....(I want Michael A. to read this list and realize Ive saved us about $50,000 so far). tee hee hee.
Yes, its getting a little crazy. I dont understand all these foodie bloggie type websites though. Dont know how to add the friggin items properly. But social network marketing is a biggie....gotta do it.
There are so many new avenues for marketing these days--it's hard to keep up. When I worked in ad agencies in NYC, it was basically ads, TV spots and collateral support materials (brochures, posters, etc.)
Im hungry....gonna go toast me a big "everything" bagel.
Til later..
This is not just any fulfillment house though. They are called HandiCrafters. It is a non-profit organization that employs people who are physically and mentally challenged. My stepson, Rob works there and loves it. These folks do a great job and HC provides a fabulous way for these people to really take pride in the work they do. I believe these people, despite their limitations, actually do a better job than other fulfillment places. And yes, they are more affordable than for-profit fulfillment companies.
Our marketing guru, Eileen, from Acello Media, is busy getting the word out. Here there and everywhere. Our strategy is to contact every single person in the food trade and let them know that our simmer sauces are about to hit the market. We are doing PR releases, food blog entries, email blasts and more. My email box is filling up fast! Ahhhhh!!!! Slow down Eileen!! People are starting to come out of the foodie woodwork and take notice though--that's a good thing.
As for designing all our marketing materials-- thank God that I am an art director by trade. I designed the website, our labels, our brochures, our data sheets, our ads, our logo, shot and cut our videos....(I want Michael A. to read this list and realize Ive saved us about $50,000 so far). tee hee hee.
Yes, its getting a little crazy. I dont understand all these foodie bloggie type websites though. Dont know how to add the friggin items properly. But social network marketing is a biggie....gotta do it.
There are so many new avenues for marketing these days--it's hard to keep up. When I worked in ad agencies in NYC, it was basically ads, TV spots and collateral support materials (brochures, posters, etc.)
Im hungry....gonna go toast me a big "everything" bagel.
Til later..
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
We are pleased to announce the birth of healthy and beautiful quadruplets! Each weighs about 1.0 lbs. Their names are: Lemon Piccata (Lem for short), Mediterranean Tomato, Roasted Red Pepper & Basil Cream and finally, Marsala & tarragon.
Yes, folks, we dragged our butts outta bed early yesterday and made our way to the co-packer. And after 14 hours of grueling labor, updating our spouses, tweaking, meeting, huddling, sampling, worrying, celebrating and loads of anticipation, produced four wonderful and delicious simmer sauces. We are so proud and excited! Can't wait to show them off to the world and have you try them all. They are available for purchase on our website at www.LizbethLaneCuisine.com. By the way, the births were ALL NATURAL.....hahaha. (couldn't resist)
We now just need the blessing from the FDA and we are in business! So, stay tuned. It's going to be lots o fun. The journey so far has been wild---and to think we're just getting started. Yikes.
Yes, folks, we dragged our butts outta bed early yesterday and made our way to the co-packer. And after 14 hours of grueling labor, updating our spouses, tweaking, meeting, huddling, sampling, worrying, celebrating and loads of anticipation, produced four wonderful and delicious simmer sauces. We are so proud and excited! Can't wait to show them off to the world and have you try them all. They are available for purchase on our website at www.LizbethLaneCuisine.com. By the way, the births were ALL NATURAL.....hahaha. (couldn't resist)
We now just need the blessing from the FDA and we are in business! So, stay tuned. It's going to be lots o fun. The journey so far has been wild---and to think we're just getting started. Yikes.
Friday, October 1, 2010
O Day of Days?
Michael A. here. Sorry I haven’t written lately but my eyes have been so small that I couldn’t see right to write. :) Rid has been keeping you all posted on our continuing journey. We were joking today that if we go to hell we would find ourselves on the small line (all hand work) of a co-packer doomed to never quite get the sauce done!
This week was more of the same, on the phone…do we have all the ingredients…did Cornell approve the processes…how in the world can we not get mushrooms when we live in the mushroom capital of the world, 6 pack vs 12 pack cases…etc, etc, etc! My eyes were so small Rid was avoiding me. FML…
But today, a good meeting with the spice folks, a GREAT meeting with the fulfillment folks. (BTW: Check them out at http://www.handi-crafters.org Good people doing a wonderful job for some special people. We are going to work with them to do all our packaging and shipping.)
Driving home after the meeting I make a call, oh something like the 4,378th call about our sauces and guess what? This is it; it’s all there, labels, jars, Mushrooms and even approval from Cornell! WE ARE ON…Monday, October 4, 2010 Lizbeth Lane Gourmet Cuisine goes to production.
Stay tuned, either we take a giant leap forward Monday or maybe we just find out we’ve died and are in that special hell reserved for Rid and I…keep your fingers crossed for us.
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