RId here: I sent the jar label art off to the printer on Friday. Proof is looking a little fuzzy--am getting a hard copy proof someday. Printer said they'd send it FedEx with Saturday delivery-because we are on a tight deadline now. I waited patiently for that orange and purple truck.....and waited..... and.....
It never came.
WTF! Here we go again! Oy friggin vay. Why us? Michael and I must've done something really really bad in a past life. Seems like everything starts then stops. It's moving ahead--no wait! It's not.
Been waiting for the data sheet specs now for about 10 days or so. Co-packer is going to get back to us on that. I also emailed the jar company and asked them for the info. I'm all excited about who will respond first. Anyone wanna bet on this one? (Didn't think so...)
The label printer gal is great though. She returns our emails within the hour. Holy shitake mushroom!!! It's really a treat to be thought of as an important client. I think I'll stop writing for now and just bask in that wonderful feeling of being "a valued customer". A h h h h h h h h h h........
Oh, don't forget! We go into production a week from tomorrow. October 4th is the big day!!
Yup. Yessiree. Oh yeah.... Indeed. Absolutely. Fer sure. Okeedokee. Can't wait. Too excited to sleep.
Am putting suicide prevention number on my speed dial.......
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