Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Test Day Round 2 – FML ???

Michael A. reporting on round 2 of “testing”.  You’ve already heard from Rid that all went well…sort of, and the sauces tasted…well, FABULOUS…

Now I’d never say that Rid exaggerates, its just his, what did I call it?  Oh yes, his exuberant emotionalism.   But I have to say he’s not exaggerating very much at all.  The sauces did taste very, very good.  They ranged from a low of 4 (on a 1 – 5) up to a 5.  Rid’s Roasted Red Pepper Basil Cream sauce kicks ass! 

Thursday started out much the same as the week before.  Kids and dogs at camp/day care, wives working (God please continue to Bless them) and Rid and I driving up the road.  When Rid asked me this time how I thought the day would turn out I said “forget it, I’m not predicting a thing!  Just look how last week turned out"!  We get to the co-packer and first thing are the women walking in at the same time saying “hi, we’re here for the R & D test day”.  Ahh, wait a minute, Rid and I are here for the R & D test day!  Is this the start of an FML day? 

Well, turns out that there was a schedule screw up (see Rid’s earlier blogs about the food industry) and the co packer folks were trying to work it out.  Oh, and also, it was the day the co packer had the “INSPECTORS” in, just to add a little excitement to the day.  (BTW, they did fine with the inspection)  So “M” worked with the ladies and “C” worked with us.  C starts working on the sauces and of course Chef Dave is there to assist.  Piccata turns out good.  Bottle it up and move on.  C is moving at his usual pace (don’t get me started) and the Marsala gets going.  Now in order to help move things along Dave and I sliced up the fresh mushrooms.  Lots of questions and issues of how big they can be and still get through the bottling equipment.  I take a break with Dave and Rid to eat and when I come back C has decided to chop the mushrooms a bit with the big blender.  Their not chopped, their pureed! Its now Marsala mushroom soup!  FML…  “C” I say, before making any more decisions about OUR sauces please consult with us first.  C tells me that maybe he should have chopped the mushrooms in the first place.  Suffice it to say that was not the best thing to say to me, you know the customer, the guy PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS!  Along with a few other pithy comments from C and I was just about to loose it!

Anyway at this point I left the area and tried to cool down.  See Rid’s comments on my condition.  Anyway, with Chef Dave’s help and M the sauces all got down.  We learned a few things that needed to be tweaked.  Bottom line is I think we are almost there.  Rid and I will be working on sourcing mushrooms, sourcing all natural bases, etc etc. But we are on our way and in the end I don’t think it was an FML day!

1 comment:

  1. To my sister, Donna, why did you tell Michael about FML? It does sum it up but it's his new fav expression. - Kathy
